Say goodbye to spam with new M2 Google reCAPTCHA module

Spam is still a problem. But not for you and your business. As from today, you can use a powerful Google ReCAPTCHA tool at your Magento 2 website.

reCAPTCHA is a form that you can easily add both to frontend and backend forms. The main goal is to find out that your visitor is a human and not bot. You can enable reCaptcha on a contact form, customer login form, checkout registration page, testimonials submit form, etc. This gives you a chance to protect the forms from unwanted spambots.

So what are we talking about?  

New ReCAPTCHA from Google module for Magento 2 aims to reduce human efforts used to prevent spam. In fact, the extension replaces the default Magento CAPTCHA with more secure Google reCAPTCHA. It helps you understand whether your visitors are human or not.

Key features, in a nutshell:

  • Two types of reCAPTCHA are available: reCAPTCHA v2 and invisible reCAPTCHA.
  • Ability to enable & disable Google ReCAPTCHA for store frontend or Magento 2 backend.
  • Ability to choose reCAPTCHA color theme for a better look.

The module is the one you should have when you wish to prevent abusive activities on your site. Start protecting your store from spam right now.