Fire Checkout 1.8 with new One Column Multistep Wizard layout is now available

Love at first “checkout”. The checkout page does not used to be called like that. But, in fact, this page does a lot of things to make your customers love your website at all.

It's important to consider the visitors wishes you're trying to convert. Once they start to checkout, you have to bring users experience to the top. The fact is the page usability always contributes to UX.

That is exactly what we are going to talk about. Keep reading to know how the checkout page provides an important contribution to your website conversion.

Multiple ways to improve the usability

When determining usability, you have to consider all points available on your checkout page. We haven't enough fingers to count them all.

So let's go through a couple of those:

  • Ability to choose a delivery date and time. Great feature for positive user experience.
  • Autodetection of customer address. The feature can show to the user whether your store has a delivery to his country.
  • Ability to attach files to the order directly on the checkout page.
  • The visual factors like easy-to-read fonts, button's color and forms, appealing and readable layout.
  • Address suggestion and autocomplete. This feature makes the form filling faster and boosts usability. Nice to see more samples here. 
  • Easy text input on mobile devices.

Okay, what about one-page checkout, you might say. That's still an open question.

Above all, we must reckon the user's wishes. Isn't that the way of building a good usability in checkout? Some customers want to know exactly where they are in the process and how many steps are left. Other people need a checkout page with all visible fields at once.

Don’t get stuck with the debate. Follow other good tactics to maximize conversion rates on your checkout pages.

So what's in FireCheckout?

Our blog post title implies that the M2 FireCheckout module is a checkout solution to incline your customers to buy.

Thus another important thing you can do is to discover what useful features the module has for improving the checkout page usability.

The latest module release comes with innovations that will help you build the checkout page that converts. Let’s get on with it.

Multi-step 1 column Wizard layout

This type of layout is ideal for visitors who are accustomed to concentrating on what they are doing at the moment.

Each page looks clean and short, so it seems easier to fill. Nevertheless, you can see the sticky order summary block with the contents of the shopping cart. Keeping it within eyeshot every moment, visitors can change the number of items or remove items from the cart directly on the checkout page. This can be done by the Magento 2 Checkout Cart module that comes in a package with FireCheckout.

On the image below you can also see that user is suggested to create an account after making an order. Providing guest checking, you will improve the user experience in your store. Guest checkout option is definitely boosting conversion. Our view is based on our experience.

Empty layout with no header and footer

If you look closely enough, you will see the Wizard checkout page is represented by an empty page layout. There is no logo, header, and footer.

Sometimes we have to help customers brain to process an entire page. In such a case the page layout can either help or hinder comprehension. That's why FireCheckout 1.8 release brings new distraction-free “Empty” page layout. You can apply it to each FireCheckout layout.  

Using the empty layout will help you to prevent customer get distracted from the main purpose of the page - placing the order. Well, and on the other hand - the impact on customer experience. Preventing any distractions for the users, you help them not to lose the concentration.

“I Agree” button in the Agreement popup

What do we see in default Magento 2 checkout? Once users click the Terms and Conditions checkbox, they see a popup with agreement description. In order to continue a purchase, the customers should agree with. First, they have to close the window, and only then the checkbox will be checked. To be honest, it is complicated a little bit. Too many distracting movements, you agree?

FireCheckout module offers a better service to your customers. Now users can click "I agree" button directly in a popup. We certain it saves a few seconds. The amount of time to check out is related to converting.

Extended configuration for Shipping and Payment methods

When buying anything on the website, it's clear to allow customers choose from a wide range of shipping and payment methods. That's why it is crucially important to design a good selection interface.

Indeed, you can control the look of payment/shipping sections shown on the checkout page. You can place the sections side by side or one under another, make them wider, etc. See what page layouts the Magento 2 FireCheckout module offers to you.

Another important thing you can do is to edit fields in the billing and shipping sections. Starting from FireCheckout 1.8 release you can configure the default Shipping and Payment methods.

  • Set the shipping method by default.
  • Hide methods if a single method is available only.
  • Set the payment method by default.

The release also includes a friendly option for your admins. In case they don't see the wanted shipping method in a drop-down, they can use "Default Method Code" field to find the method.

Basically, the new release provides a high level of usability which means the customers can deal with the tasks listed at Shipping and Payment methods forms faster and easier.

FireCheckout module package

The FireCheckout extension contains a set of modules that can be used to build more streamlined checkout process in your store. The recent 1.8 release includes the updates for the following Magento 2 modules: Address Field Manager , Checkout Cart, Checkout Success, Delivery Date and Time. All they create the checkout page that converts.

To sum up

Well, according to Baymard Institute research, the average large-sized e-commerce site can gain a 35.26% increase in conversion rate through better checkout usability. It makes us believe in FireCheckout module power.

At least we know that with Magento 2 one step checkout extension you get clear, smooth and user-friendly checkout process not overwhelmed with distracting elements.

Guess what...we love this module. All new FireCheckout features are always worth the expectations.

And, of course, we always welcome your suggestions, comments or questions.

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