Short guide to effective SEO practices. What is an optimal SEO tool for Magento 2?

Bearing in mind that Google makes the rules and, hence, SEO is rapidly evolving, we have a lot to talk about. We could talk about the tools, tactics and goals of SEO for hours. But today we are trying to consider some of the primary strategies that really work for Magento 2 websites.

Our goal is to show you an easy way to generate the Metadata. In addition, we will focus on using pagination in SEO and adding HTML sitemap to Magento 2 store. If you are thinking a perfect search position of your web content is still ahead of you, stick to the best practices below today.  

How to improve Google search results

The questions like "How to improve seo ranking on google" or "What are the techniques for SEO?" are as relevant as ever. We can assure you, we're not missing so important topic. Our previous article How to get the most out of metadata when doing SEO tells all the answers about:

  • Ways to help you input Metadata to Magento store
  • Adding HTML sitemap in Magento
  • How to make Google snippets
  • How to create XML sitemap in Magento.

But there is one other important point that we would like to stress today. SEO and pagination. We don’t talk about customising Magento 2 pagination settings. We will focus on strategies for improving indexing of paginated content.

Improving crawlability of paginated content in Magento 2

When it comes to the effective search engine optimization, a pagination is a rule.

See what you need to know about SEO pagination practice:

  • it helps your website to be better indexed
  • it makes your content more effectively crawled
  • it prevents duplicating a content
  • it allows to increase the targeted keywords in a single page

And, when it comes to Magento 2, lucky for you, there is a tool for optimizing paginated content. It provides much better functionality in comparison with the default Magento 2.

SEO pagination extension for Magento 2

SEO Pagination module aims to improve a presentation of paginated content for search engines.

As you probably know, the Google recommends the specify a View All page. This is because the searchers generally prefer to view an entire category or an article on a single page. Both search engines and regular visitors would appreciate View All page in search results. Because they can find all products at one page.

So, the feature of the module is the added ‘view-all’ link for paginated content. Some other strategies were implemented, too. That allows you to choose the one that best suits your website. The ‘view-all’ link + rel=”next” and rel=”prev” strategy for paginated content is used by default. However, you can always change it in the configuration.

SEO Pagination module works perfectly with:

And the best thing is, SEO Pagination module comes to a bundle of outstanding modules of SEO Suite extension for Magento 2. A bit later, we will be talking about this all-in-one SEO module again. Keep reading.

We have also promised to raise a topic of metadata in our post. We will not go into the details of what exactly metadata are. Guess, you're good at this. Instead, the focus is to be on the generating metadata for products and categories.

Adding metadata for all products in Magento 2

The process of adding manually metadata one by one for the pages and hundreds of products is very time-consuming. Of course, you'd like to have unique meta tags for every category, product or CMS page. We suppose it's understandable.

There may be a need to use a tool that could auto-generate metadata and, hence save your time. Magento 2 Metadata Templates module, that is a part of SEO Suite extension, makes dealing with extremely large website data easier. What's it do exactly? Let's see.

The goal of the extension is to automatically generate meta titles, meta descriptions and meta keywords using the product and category attributes. It does this by creating customized meta tags templates for product pages and categories. The module allows you to use a wide range of complex variables for adding more engaging SEO meta information to a template.  

The main features of the extension are:

  • Ability to generate relevant unique meta data based on the attributes. No change of the original data set for your products. The new generated data are stored in a separate table.
  • Ability to force your store to use generated metadata instead of the metadata from product or category.
  • Ability to setup metadata generation via cron or manually in Magento 2 Admin.
  • Ability to set portion size with Records to process per run option. The option prevents a server overloading during generating a big amount of metadata.
  • Ability to use a set of conditions to determine products or categories while creating a metadata template.
  • A huge list of allowed directives for metadata templates.
  • Ability to check the generated metadata for every product or category.

Let us write now about adding HTML sitemap to the website. By default, the Magento 2 doesn't support HTML sitemap feature. But we do have good news for you. With M2 SEO HTML sitemap module you will easily create HTML sitemap. A module provides a wide range of settings that allow adding the list of stores, categories, products, CMS pages and custom links. M2 SEO HTML sitemap is a part of SEO Suite toolkit.

Well, here's SEO Suite again. We cannot but speak about this outstanding Magento 2 SEO module. It is worth to be your favorite tool when you dream your site coming up at the top of Google search results.

Optimal SEO tool for Magento 2

In case you want SEO search ranking improved, you have to evolve your SEO skill set.

SEO Suite for Magento 2 is justly considered the leading provider of skills in the way of the SEO optimization. New features are being added to this module all the time.

For the time being, our Magento 2 SEO extension includes 7 advanced modules:

HTML Sitemap

Metadata Templates

Rich Snippets

XML sitemap

The module improves the default Magento 2 XML sitemap functionality with nice features such as ability to include custom links, adding images to category links, adding hreflang attribute, setting up sitemap file limits.

SEO Pagination

SEO-friendly URLs

Regional and Language URLs

The module is about using hreflang tag. It is important when you offer content in more than one language or provide it for different regions.

So, what is the best Magento 2 extension for SEO?

The features provided by the mentioned above modules cover different SEO issues. Use this optimal SEO tool for Magento 2 to assure your website follows SEO requirements when improving its presence in the search engines.

We realize that it may be need of much more features important for improving the online visibility of your website. So, we would really appreciate your thoughts. Please comment on post.  

That will give us the opportunity to develop new features, add the enhancements to the module and so on. We are looking forward to hearing your proposals.