Check the new Breeze 1.2 alternative JS frontend release. More Magento 2 features are now supported

With Breeze, we tend to focus on website speed. When managing an Magento 2 store we focus on making it faster and easier.

That's why you'll like the new release. In 1.2.0 we added support for additional Magento features. Check it out to make the available options package complete.

Support for next Magento 2 features is available now:

  • Configurable products support.
  • Color Swatches support.

So now more and more  store owners can use Breeze.

When allowing users to purchase, that would be nice to improve the customer's experience with the configurable product and  image switcher. It is possible to apply unique swatches instead of plain text attributes. That will help you to present your products in a more favorable manner.

By enabling the configurable products option you make it possible to buy many more products available in your store. Besides the product page, the Breeze module supports configurable products displayed on category and search results pages.

All of these options help you to simplify the purchase and get more orders.

What new Breeze features matter?

The Breeze custom js frontend greatly improves any theme based on Luma. The module offers better performance and lower load time than the default Magento 2 Luma frontend.

First, when designing the module, we explained to you how strongly the Breeze impacts the page speed score. The website loading speed will definitely bring your online business to the top of Google search rankings.

And today, with the 1.2.0 release, we mentioned a few more important criteria for successful positioning of the eCommerce website - helpful features for a nice customer experience.

Yet, let us ask you what other features would you like to see in the next Breeze releases?

Your feedback matters. We highly appreciate your opinions.

Our collaboration turns out to be efficient in the end. We transform your suggestions into features. Please leave your comments or questions here.