Exciting news ahead!!! Please help us to build a professional Magento 2 page editor.

We are planning to start working on the new Magento 2 Page editor this month. It is well known you are looking for the page builder for Community version, so we want to release a new module you'll love.

So, we just wanted to ask you first: what main features you hope to see in the initial extension release.  

In this article, we will cover these and other questions. Participate in the survey for the future benefits for your Magento 2 website.

Why it is important?

Page Builder is dedicated to helping you build a professional website smoothly and fast without having to write any code. In fact, you are supposed to use the editor that allows customizing the layout of every singular piece of content.

And ultimately, you:

  • create custom website layouts in minutes
  • edit content inline and publish without no technical skills
  • edit CMS pages and product descriptions easier
  • get faster extra processing on blocks

In case, you run your eCommerce website on the Commerce edition, the Magento 2 page builder is included by default. Nevertheless, the Magento Community edition is still missing the frontend editor.

That's why we're excited about creating Magento 2 Page Builder extension - to help you get simple and fast experience online.

We highly appreciate your prompt advice and suggestions

What's your must-have list for the page builder? Please choose the features that must be in the extension:

  • drag & drop functionality
  • live front-end editor
  • mobile-ready layouts
  • support for different types of widgets: Magento core widgets, page editor widgets
  • the ability to work on CMS pages, categories pages, products pages.
  • the ability to work for frontend or backend editing
  • the ability to change basic text styles and color

Any ideas for pre-built controls? What else customization options?

We'd also like to know what part of Magento 2 do you want to be able to edit with a Page builder?

As you can see, the page builder is gonna be not a simple module, but the website design tool. Surely you've seen some of the already designed page builders for Magento 2. Please provide the best example you know.

In short, ...

At the present time, we started working on the module. Every single SwissUpLabs developer appreciates you in advance for your ideas.

We'd welcome your feedback.

8 thoughts on “Exciting news ahead!!! Please help us to build a professional Magento 2 page editor.”

  • An important feature to me is a real time preview that can be changed from desktop to mobile

  • Hi! Excellent idea.

    We've been looking for a Magento 1 Frontend Editor for too long and now we are migrating to M2. We looked for a theme that could provide us with the basic frontend edition and some pre built blocks.
    We chose for Hebes, from MGS - available on Themefores because it gives us lots of customizations.

    - Edit Product Description and attributes (awesome! I did not see an extension able to do this)
    - CSS editor
    - CMS/Categories and Product pages
    - Prebuilt Blocks (Profile, Text+images, dividers, infographic, etc.) and ability to save/share them

  • That's Great! Hope it will be included in Argento Theme, also it won't conflict and create bugs with other argento extensions like past experience. Please follow Magezone's Page Builder plugin to get ideas further, their page builder is super dooper Awesome! Hope you build some thing like that. Thanks

  • Great news! We are using Argento theme for Magento 1 for last 6 years now and planning to migrate to Magento 2 shortly.

    Here is my wishlist:
    * Make it easy to use for our content editos. They are not developers
    * Allow to use all your great widgets using editors
    * Keep editor simple

    And please include it into Argento theme!

  • WOW that is #1 on my M2 wishlist! May I suggest that you have a good look at Elementor PRO for WordPress. Elementor is a great page builder and has a lot of functionality.

    But now you announced my #1, may I also suggest that you look at my #2.... please see if there is a way to implement YOAST SEO into Magento as well.
