All ready for Breeze. Use documentation to get how a free modern frontend works.

How to get Magento 2 stores to deliver great performance? Turn on Breeze to the fastest site experience.

So we take it you’re already familiar with our free Breeze frontend - the ecommerce solution to optimize your website for the best. If not, it is always a good idea to remind you.

Even so, we are here today to announce that All ready for Breeze. The new 0.10.0 and 0.11.0 releases, all Swissup modules compatibility, expanded customization features and new documentation site. You have to try it today.

Introduction to Breeze frontend docs

Visit our new documentation site

To speed up Magento 2, you should discover the Breeze options and properly configure them.

Breeze consists from two parts: Breeze module and Breeze theme. Both solutions improve the default Magento frontend with a better page speed, the same customization abilities, and quick integration with Luma-based customizations.

With Breeze docs we empower you to understand how the products work. See more there about theme structure and styles, JS components, settings description, modules compatibility, etc. On the new documentation site we’ll also provide you with regular updates.

Shortly about 0.10.0 and 0.11.0 Breeze versions

Please check for updates often to insure you receive the best experience with Breeze products.

The initial release was focused on the general performance enhancements. And the latest versions of the fastest Magento 2 frontend present email styles enhancements and compatibility with third-party modules.  

For instance, we added minimalistic email styles. We’ve took Magento/blank email structure as a base, so you will find it super easy to integrate with existing blank/luma customizations. Learn more how to add email customizations from child theme.

We also added support for multiple expanded tabs. This is useful when transforming tabs into accordion.

And as we have stated at the beginning of article, the one of key update is compatibility of all Swissup modules with Breeze.

Third-party modules compatibility 

The first is that all Magento 2 modules by SwissUpLabs are ready to deliver the greatest performance. The second, if you are using third-party modules, Breeze compatibility is already ready for you, too.

Here you can see the list of compatible modules.

Collaboration idea

We believe that success comes from collaboration. From this comes the invitation: "Welcome to use Breeze for your projects".

Breeze theme is a free modern frontend dedicated to increase performance and reduce the development cost. We invite Web Designers and Web Studios for collaboration.

Contact us today if your wish to provide a faster store resonates with us, and if you’re interested in adding value to your audiences.

A variety of Breeze Blank customisation features

In addition to the initial theme that comes with installation, there is a wide variety of available customizations that you can apply.

We suggest using the Breeze Blank theme, as a starting point. Thus you can create the new Breeze-based theme due to your website requirements. It is quite clear that there will remain the crucial aspect for every store - the frontend good at performance.

Add the info from and to your plans of customizing Magento 2 storefront.

Well, if we're talking plans, how about improving Breeze products in future?

Breeze roadmap

Our developers understand all required steps to achieve the progress of Breeze products against your Magento 2 site.

Current roadmap:

  • Preload critical images
  • Inline critical CSS in the head
  • Module integration samples
  • Docs about theming with grunt (default magento tool for less compilation)
  • More docs about modifying a theme (How to change page width, columns count in the product listing, other common needs)

We keep looking up at options and making decisions that may change your ecommerce sites for better with Breeze. If you have any ideas, please share them as well.


We would like to improve our services to you. No more giving up on an idea of a fast website because you are limited by the default Magento 2 theme. Breeze frontend is ready to help you optimize the website for the best performance.

Now you can use our new nicely-documented Breezefront website. Get to understand how our free modern frontend works.

We'd love to hear your thoughts about the recent updates in Breeze. Who's ready to comment?

2 thoughts on “All ready for Breeze. Use documentation to get how a free modern frontend works.”

  • Hello,
    we are working on customer website with try integration Anovawe GTM. The problem is, when we enable GTM then module breeze not working. The website is very slow and return js errors in console. I read your documentation with integration breeze module with custom modules.

    It is possible get sample to better understand how to do it. I checheck in app/code/Anowave/Ec/view/frontend/web/js and found this js files

    Im not sure which files from this module I should integrate with default.xml in breeze module to make it work well. Thanks really for all the tips and some samples base on our files, then we'll know the right way and it will be easier for us. Greetings.

    • Thank you for using Breeze. You can open request at
