Valuable January updates for your Magento store

Every month we work to help you grow in the future. We try to connect you with your online users.

What we are doing is simple:

  1. Provide you with module updates to make the website performance better
  2. Bring new valuable features that will enhance your store functionality
  3. Develop new Magento solutions which help your business stay ahead of your competitors
  4. Help you make the right steps to grow your business

January is no exception. Thus we’d like to share with you our monthly updates rollup. Follow and apply!

New extension release

What makes the difference for customer experience? The answer is usability. What makes the biggest difference for mobile user experience? The answer is AMP template.

This month we’re happy to announce the initial release of incredibly powerful module - Accelerated mobile pages for Magento. The extension allows you to integrate Google AMP project to your Magento website.

Have a look at main goals of AMP...

  1. Provide your store with fast and rich performance on mobile devices
  2. Reduce the webpage load time
  3. Minimize the number of requests a browser makes

By the end you will find your website content at top of Google search results. Sounds awesome!

Our AMP solution includes the AMP theme that brings lightweight css styles powered by SASS, and AMP module that turns all known tags and blocks into amp compatible elements automatically. With a module you will create the following pages that will be rendering instantly: the homepage, category and product comparison pages, catalog search and CMS pages.

Don’t miss the opportunity to reach your mobile clients.

Argento updates

Argento template keeps meeting the aspirations of its subscribers. January Argento 1.8.5 release comes with a lot of enhancements for your website:

  1. Bootstrap homepage and footer markup for Argento Pure and Argento Mall designs.
  2. Easy Flags extension built-in Argento theme. Now you can replace the default Magento store switcher with nice flag buttons. Follow the excellent user guide to see what’s what.

There are also some improvements in Argento modules:

  1. Ajax Pro has got added cross-sell block integration
  2. Ajax Search comes with improved frontend styles (fixed problem with “jumping” search Argento themes).
  3. AskIt comes with fixed product url generation for emails, added missing translations and much more fixes and changes
  4. Easytabs brings product tabs and widget tabs and other enhancements.

Welcome to the full list of updates in Argento 1.8.5 release.

Magento 1 updates

In eCommerce, it’s not enough to just have a website. Your online store has to be highly-functional to exceed your customer needs. Our Magento extensions are great for powering your website with the latest trends in software. Let's apply updates to be up-to-date.

Easy Flags 3.0 comes with improved admin interface and added new switcher type - Chosen Dropdown. Moreover, you can manage the flags in Magento Admin on Manage Stores page.

Mobile Star theme 1.4.3 brings the changes such as:

  1. Fixed product attribute translation
  2. Amasty_Shopby compatibility added
  3. Fixed number control styles in homepage slider
  4. Removed deprecated html attributes from head section
  5. Fixed glitchy scrolling for all horizontal sliders (related products, gallery images, etc)

Ajax Layered Navigation 2.6 brings the addition of stock and by name filters.

Product Questions Ask It was updated twice this month. You can see the following fixes and improvements:

  1. Missing translations added
  2. Change mass status action parameter was renamed
  3. Status filtering for answers was added (show pending answers bug was fixed)
  4. Fixed product url generation for emails
  5. Mass answers status change action add

Easy Banners 1.5.3 comes with new feature. The columns "Store view", "Banner content" were added to banner backend grid in order to make banners management easier. There are also fixes:

  1. Grid search in banner conditions for pages (issue occurs on latest magento versions)
  2. Redirect issue for SEO url (.html)

Daily Deals 1.1.3 brings the changes:

  1. Updated widgets for better compatibility with Argento Package 1.8.4+
  2. Added columns "Attr. Set" and "Visibility" for assigned products grid on edit deal page in Magento Admin
  3. Widget icons in WYSIWYG editor at backend
  4. Countdown Timer improvements (keep flip timer in one line even when browser can not fit it in container; do not
  5. Load web fonts if no timers use them)

Bot Blocker 1.0.5 comes with the following fixes:

  1. Solved warning about inet_pton (IPv6 compatibility)
  2. Fixed issue with 3D Secure on checkout when protected forms enabled
  3. Respect disabled bot detection by place honeypots option

Ajax Pro 3.3.8 has got fixed info_buyRequest option bug and product_options.js integration for less 1.9.3 version.

There was still a room to improve Magento 2 solutions. Have a look…

Magento 2 updates

Ask It 1.2.2-1.2.3 releases include the following fixes and improvements:

  1. Email transport builder init was fixed
  2. Form_key validation bug was fixed (redirect on dashboard)
  3. Datapersistor class exists checking was added
  4. Old magento (2.0) version compatibility was added
  5. ACL sort order fixes
  6. PHP requirements was removed
  7. Admin email notification was fixed

In conclusion, we’d like to say thank you to all our clients. Who will inspire us to improve our development, if you won’t? Let us know about your expectations in comments.