Greatest Breeze 2.13 updates to enhance the user experience on your website

When we think JavaScript, dynamic behavior comes to our mind. When we think Breeze, the fast and top-performing store experience goes through our heads. Let’s combine these impressions with the new 2.13 release.  

The latest update made in February, involves adding stunning features. They bring one more possibility to make your Magento 2 website interactive and engaging. Moreover, the new release is gonna bring an increase in performance. Keep reading and see for yourself.

Dynamic JS feature

In the 2.13 release, we added the Dynamic JS feature. It is especially useful for stores with a complex template and a dozen modules. So how does this work?

This feature enables dynamic injection of js components after a specified event. This will also work when some element is revealed in the viewport, or after the first user interaction.

It will result in a reduced initial page load time. We are happy with how it worked out for our themes. So look at this:

You may see 51% js performance improvements in the Argento Breeze Chic theme. And it's just cool - cool?

If you would like to know more about the dynamic component, go through the guide.  

Another enhanced feature is now available, too. See the next paragraph.

Lazyload backgrounds

In the 2.13 release, we added lazyload backgrounds for page builder elements.

As you may know, the page builder slider, banner, and other components use the background-image property to create images. This makes it impossible to use the loading=lazy attribute, and therefore the browser downloads all images on the initial page load.

With the new feature, we postpone loading these background images until the visitor scrolls to them.

The update to streamline the development process

From this time onwards you will be allowed to register an anonymous uiComponent using the Component.register function. This tricky mechanism enables reusing Luma-based files. Look at how we reuse files in our integrations with AmastyXsearch, MagefanBlog, and SmileElasticSuite.

In conclusion, we'd like to mention fixes from the 2.13 release:

  • Fixed possible missing items in the header Account dropdown.
  • Fixed possible infinite spinner on initial page load.
  • Fixed possible horizontal scroll on the customer registration page when the DOB field is shown.
  • Fixed JS errors after multiple fast clicks on the same link.

So keep following our news. We are constantly working on optimizing our products. Good work on performance is very beneficial for your stores. Stay in touch.