Find out 3 reasons why your checkout becomes better with the FireCheckout 1.28 release

Some checkout pages are effective, others aren’t. Some checkouts ease content accessibility for older adults and persons with disabilities, others aren't.

You can create a checkout page that meets all your requirements. With the FireCheckout module, you've got numerous settings. And with every passing month, we add new features to optimize the checkout page.

Today's article is about the new FireCheckout 1.28 release. Let’s talk about it.

WCAG 2.1 AA compliance for checkout page content accessibility

Let’s begin with checkout page content accessibility.

In the latest FireCheckout version, we slightly updated all color schemes to match Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

The purpose of the WCAG standard is to make web content easier to read to people with disabilities: visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning. Read more about the standard created by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Now you may be sure all your customers will be able to complete their purchase without effort.

The option to place billing address before shipping address

Since the 1.28, you’ve got the opportunity to Ability to move billing addresses before shipping.

Instant save mode for more usability

In the recent release we added Instant save mode for billing address form.

It saves addresses without the “Update” button. Works great with Billing before shipping position. So now, with the FireCheckout module, you can choose  “Default” or “Instant” modes.

A few more updates for the checkout page

  • All layouts now use fallback to faux 1-column layout when using small-sized tablets. (Previously, tablet customers had to struggle with scrollbars and horizontal overflows, or they had to change tablet orientation to landscape to comfortably fill checkout form.)
  • Fixed Magento bug, when multiple requests were sent to a single URL.
  • Improve payment section styles in Magento 2.4.3.
  • Improve CSS merging in all bundled modules. Now checkout styles will be merged into a separate file to prevent redownloading the whole bundle of theme styles again.

We promise we'll keep you updated next time we add the new features to FireCheckout.

And now you have to only use the available ones, to provide your clients with the convenient checkout process.

If you have any more ideas, please comment. You are always welcome.