M2 Maintenance

M2 Maintenance

Availability: In stock

This extension is completely free to use. To install it please place free order on this module by clicking the download button and following the order process. After that please check the installation instructions given to you on the right side of the page. In case you want to download the manual package please log in to your account after placing the order and go to the ”Free products” menu. You can find installation and documentation instructions on our site. In case you have a problem or found a bug please open a ticket on our contacts page.

In some cases, for various reasons, you planned the upcoming scheduled maintenance of your website. This could be during server overload, fixing bugs or features upgrades. However, no one likes an unavailable website or coming soon pages.

And that's where the M2 Store Maintenance module comes in. Our Magento 2 maintenance mode extension allows you to notify visitors that your store is under maintenance now. You can include the details about the expiration date of the maintenance period to your custom 503 page. And not only that, look at the other advantages of the extension.

M2 Store Maintenance module allows building a highly customizable temporary page with CTA elements and encouraging content. All the module features will help you:

  • warn visitors when doing maintenance
  • protect customers from a bad experience at your store
  • avoid removing a web page content by search crawlers from a database


Enable store maintenance mode

M2 Store Maintenance module will help you to put your Magento 2.0 site into maintenance mode right from the admin panel. You can enable or disable the mode in a single click. The module works perfectly with custom and third-party Magento 2 themes. It also supports responsive design to ensure your maintenance page will look great on any screen resolution.

Modify maintenance page content

With the extension, you create an attractive maintenance page that will keep your customers satisfied with your store service. The module allows you to specify the maintenance page title, add your own CSS styles, use HTML markup to build the maintenance page body. To ensure the page looks as you want, you can also use a quick preview feature directly in admin.

Create the whitelist IP addresses

Via the module you can create the list of connections from specific IP addresses. This option includes addresses that are allowed to get past the maintenance mode and visit your Magento store. If the customer IP is not in the list of allowed IPs, he will be redirected to maintenance page straight away.

Set the predefined date and time

M2 Store Maintenance module allows setting the maintenance page response header from extension configuration. Thus you can inform search robots about active maintenance period. You can also specify the maintenance end date and time. That will let your admins and crawler bots know when your site will be back online.

Customize maintenance page

The M2 Store Maintenance extension brings the opportunity to design an awesome Magento 2 maintenance mode custom page. The page is highly customizable and can be easily edited via the module "Maintenance Page Content" settings. You can add your logo, background image, video, text, and select the desired color to highlight the maintenance page of your site. Your own store maintenance page will help you to reflect your brand, insert a link to other helpful content you provide or simply get a smile out of your visitors.

Help search engines crawl the website

The module is not only for happy customers. It is important for search engines, too. It can occur that a crawler bot comes to a store under maintenance, it doesn't find a requested content, and therefore would remove it from a database. To prevent removing, you have to inform the search engine that a problem is temporary and send 503 HTTP status code as a response. And this is where M2 Store Maintenance extension really gets good. It handles search engines requests and sends a proper response to them.

Additional Information

Magento Community edition Magento Community 2.4.6, Magento Community 2.4.5, Magento Community 2.4.4, Magento Community 2.4.3, Magento Community 2.4.2, Magento Community 2.4.1, Magento Community 2.4.0, Magento Community 2.3.7, Magento Community 2.3.6, Magento Community 2.3.5, Magento Community 2.3.4, Magento Community 2.3.3, Magento Community 2.3.2, Magento Community 2.3.1, Magento Community 2.3.0
Magento Enterprise edition Adobe Commerce 2.4.x, Adobe Commerce 2.3.x, EE 2.2.x, EE 2.1.x
Installation instructions and manuals
Locales English