Here’s more information about updates done in August 2020. Use them to optimize store functionality.

Here’s more information about updates done in August 2020. Use them to optimize store functionality.

We hope you’re doing well. As promised, here’s a regular report to our clients. Today we share with you the list of updates done in August 2020.

Do you know how cool that is? Having functionality that every eCommerce store needs. That's why we keep working on new features and improvements. In this post, we'll introduce the list of changes added to help best optimize your site effectiveness.

Argento 1.9 release

We already published a dedicated article about the 1.19 version. It provides a range of improvements as well as security fixes. You got Magento 2.4 compatibility in theme and built-in modules.

Another important update the Argento received is better loading times. We added critical CSS for all Argento themes. It results in faster content rendering and better site performance.

Do you want to see more? Please read the full article about the 1.19 release.

Updates for Magento 2 extensions

Firecheckout 1.24.1 version comes with fixes that result in a better page view, and hence, a better conversion. Thus you can see CSS fixes for third-party themes and Braintree_Googlepay styles fixes.

Magento 2.4 compatibility fixes:

  • CheckoutSuccess - fixed ordered items listing.
  • CustomerFieldManager - fixed error in the backend grid when using mass action.
  • CheckoutFields, DeliveryDate, OrderAttachments - fixed missing block in the order confirmation email (You have to use order_id=$ instead of order=$order property when inserting a block to the email template).
  • Fixed js error caused by stickyfill library.

We also fixed proper region usage (province) for Italy addresses when using the AddressAutocomplete module.

AMP 1.4.3

See Magento 2.4 compatibility fixes first:

  • Removed prohibited loading attribute from images.
  • Removed cookie-status-check message on AMP.
  • Replaced plugin with event.

Among other fixes there are:

  • Removed deprecated installer. Use the Marketplace module to install AMP.
  • Use swissup/module-image to detect image dimensions.
  • Removed change qty force for bundle products.
  • Fixed store menu processing when Varnish used.

Seo Suite 1.9.4 has got added missing custom links to sitemap XML.

Pagespeed 1.4.8, 1.4.9, 1.4.10 improvements are:

  • Ability to minimize layout shifts with your own CSS loader.
  • Don’t push/preload images from the tag.
  • Fix webp+picture and lazyload data-srcset bug combination.
  • Config refactoring.
  • Fixed not working URL to the CriticalCSS generator service.

Askit 1.8.2, 1.8.3 version received minor style improvements on frontend and slight change in translations.

Highlight 1.6.3 comes with improved support for Prolabels, Seo Images, and Seo Templates modules. Now the pages with listings render lightning fast.

Prolabels 1.5.9 provides the opportunity to get rid of Cron job for manual labels. You can add an index instead. The new index id is swissup_prolabels.

Ajax Pro 1.5.9 now includes an optional fly to cart animation feature.

Easy flags 1.3.3 has got added AMP support.

The latest versions of Navigation Pro and Checkout success are compatible with PHP 7.4 now.

Order Attachments 1.4.3 has got the update within Magento 2.3.5 and 2.4.0 compatibility. Previously the email didn’t include the attachments block. Now users can see the link to attach files directly in the email.

Helpdesk 1.1.9, 1.1.10 

  • Fixed error on contacts page within Magento 2.4 compatibility.
  • Improved contact form styles.
  • Updated translations.

Easy Catalog Images 1.4.10, 1.4.11

  • Added category to hide and listing mode options to departments page configuration.
  • Added margin on the AMP homepage.
  • Prevent styles duplication in styles-m and styles-l files.
  • Fixed broken thumbnail upload in Magento 2.4.

We updated translations in Review reminder 1.1.7 and Testimonial 1.2.10, 1.2.11 extensions.

The following modules come with minor improvements and fixes: PDF invoice 1.2.1, Ajax Layered Navigation 1.3.25, Lightbox Pro 1.2.11, Easy tabs 1.9.0, 1.9.1, Easy banner 1.5.8, Recaptcha 1.3.10, GDPR 1.3.8, 1.3.9, Attributes and Brands pages 1.2.7, Easy slide 1.5.7.

We have to ask

Do you see the difference in page load speed when using the Argento theme? In case you use the Ajax Pro, do you like how the new animation feature works? What else do you want to see in your store functionality?

Share your answers in the comments below.

One thought on “Here’s more information about updates done in August 2020. Use them to optimize store functionality.”

  • Gino

    For Ajax Pro a feature to see the "previous" and "next" product. This is a good feature, so customers have not to go back to category page every time just to see the next product.

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