M2 Ajax Pro

M2 Ajax Pro

Availability: In stock

When it comes to positive customer experience, the ajax add to cart functionality is a must-have. Your visitors would like to have the most of the time when shopping in your store, but they do not. Thus you have to help them add products to the cart faster. Without redirecting to different pages.

We come with an ajax solution that provides improved Add to cart experience. The Ajax Pro module comes with advanced features that will help you to:

  • update the products, quantities, and prices via Ajax
  • enable quick product view option on the product listing
  • allow users to select the product options in Add to cart pop-up window page reload
  • allow users to choose configurable products and custom product options on the category page
  • show floating cart
  • enable fast Add to cart process for all types of products
  • enable a timeout auto close for ajax popup
  • choose a sliding mode for mini cart

Extension approved on Magento Marketplace


Fast Add to Cart process

Ajax Pro module includes quick product view feature. Thus your customers can add the desired product from a pop-up window right on the product listing page. The action won't redirect them to the product page. Instead, they will stay in the same viewport. The module works with all product types. Users can easily select the product attributes right in ajax popup.

Slide mode for cart window

Ajax Pro module provides 2 types of Add to cart window display. You can choose either the pop-up or the slide type. That way a shopping cart content will slide in a sidebar each time a customer adds the new product to the cart. A user will also be able to update the item quantity or remove a product right there.

Cart-sidebar widget

Ajax Pro extension allows showing a shopping cart content at the sidebar of your Magento 2 site. With the module's settings, you can choose a mini cart window type and then override a mini cart sidebar. A sidebar widget will be shown in case there are will be the items in a cart.

Improved usability with mini cart

Our module allows customers to track the cart content without leaving the shopping process. With enabled mini cart dialog window type display, your visitors see a bag icon. Clicking on it, users check what the products they added. They can see a number of products added to the shopping cart, and current cart subtotal. It is also available to update the product quantity in a mini cart without going to the shopping cart page.

Floating cart widget

With the Ajax Pro module, you can use a floating cart widget. That way a floating cart will appear after adding a product to the cart. After clicking on the icon, your customers will see the number of items they already selected. They can continue shopping. Or they can navigate to the checkout page or shopping cart page. There will be the appropriate links in the floating cart interface.

Improved compare functionality

Ajax Pro module allows adding the products to compare lists right from the category page. Then visitors will see items to compare on a sidebar. The module allows navigating to the compare page where users could add the product they like more to the shopping cart. Your customers could also clear all chosen items by using a reset button. That way they will also get a system message with the confirmation question.

Additional Information

Magento Community edition Magento Community 2.4.6, Magento Community 2.4.5, Magento Community 2.4.4, Magento Community 2.4.3, Magento Community 2.4.2, Magento Community 2.4.1, Magento Community 2.4.0, Magento Community 2.3.7, Magento Community 2.3.6, Magento Community 2.3.5, Magento Community 2.3.4, Magento Community 2.3.3, Magento Community 2.3.2, Magento Community 2.3.1, Magento Community 2.3.0
Magento Enterprise edition Adobe Commerce 2.4.x, Adobe Commerce 2.3.x, EE 2.2.x, EE 2.1.x
Installation instructions and manuals
Locales English

Customer Reviews

Great Extension and Excellent Support ! Review by Adrian
We've used Ajax Pro for a few years on our Magento stores, add a really nice touch to the shopping experience, and the lastest version works great with Magento 2.3.0.

As always excellent support from Swissup Labs, Thank You !! (Posted on 1/18/2019)